Duration : 1 Year | Level : Advance Diploma | Twinning Program : Shu-Te University *
This course is designed for anyone who wishes to pursue a BEAUTY related career. You will get to learn the different techniques and usage of makeup and hair design. Upon graduating, these practices will enable you to realize any look or effect in your make up jobs such as campaign photoshoots, fashion shows, movies, theatre shows, musicals, special effect etc. Besides regular practical lessons in our academy, you will also be provided and encouraged to assist lecturers in any event to gain a REAL life hands-on experiences.
专业整体妆发造型设计课程 + 台湾大学进修课程 Taiwan Study Trip , 这个课程是专门为喜欢美的行业的你而设计的。这个课程学的不单单只是新娘彩妆而已,而是全方面的彩妆和发型设计,所以以后的出路会更广阔,除了可以当婚礼化妆师也可以当整体造型师,也可以尝试不同的工作如摄影,时尚秀,电视电影,舞台剧,特效化妆等等… 更多的是你不只是能够在学院学习,我们也提供平台让学生跟着导师一起出外实习吸取经验。