双联课程是让学生在本地私立学院修图部分课程,然后再到相关学院合作的海外大学继续完成学位。BACKSTAGE ACADEMY的学生将会在本地学院修读2年高级文凭课程,之后再毕业前飞往台湾SHU-TE University 树德科技大学去完成整个高级文凭的最后一课。SHU-TE University 树德科技大学提供的美术与创意教育是目前台湾一项发展迅速的领域,它使台湾成为这个区域里享有美好声誉的升学目的地。
BACKSTAGE ACADEMY students will take a two-year advanced diploma course at our local college, and twin at SHU-TE University in Taiwan to complete the final lesson of the entire advanced diploma course. The art and creative sector is a rapidly developing field in Taiwan, which has made the country a destination for further study in this region, and SHU-TE University leads with cutting edge expertise.