Duration : 2 Years | Level : Higher Diploma | Twinning Program : Shu-Te University *
Why is IMAGE so important to everyone? It is without a doubt that your client’s or superior’s first impression of you plays a defining role no matter which career you are in. This is self-branding, the good impression you give to others before you start a potentially defining conversation with them. How can you refine your self-branding? It could start from your makeup, the style and colour of your outfit and much more that contributes to your overall image. Despite the circumstances, anyone can have their own personal style expressed in multiple ways. IMAGE is very subjective as different individuals have their own unique style dependent on the skin tone, age, career, identity, figure, personality, etc. IMAGE is vital. Create your own personal brand, leave them an unforgettable first impression.
在经济发展迅速的当今社会,无论是个人,企业,社会团体甚至是政府机构对于形象的要求,都有越来越高的期望,是一种以形象的包装设计,品牌的塑造为职业的个人或企业应运而生。 形象顾问的主要工作是根据客人自身的肤色色彩特征和风格特征,进行科学的分析和定位,再综合考虑年龄,职业身份,身材,性格,地域等等因素,分析出适合客人的发型,彩妆,服装用色,服装款式,服装剪裁,服装面料,服装图案,饰品运用,鞋子和包包的搭配。同时也会依据客人所会出席的场合和当季流行找出最佳搭配方式帮助客人建立和谐的形象,发掘客户身上潜在的美丽,扬长避短,打造人生中完美的第一张名片。形象咨询除了为客户做一系列咨询以外还会提供陪同购物,衣橱整理服务等等。